Call us for an immediate response:
231-590-8689, Jeremiah McQuillin — Owner & Operator Address: P.O. Box 207, Bear Lake, MI, 49614
(Robert Mummey, founder
and former
owner, has retired to Alaska!)
Serving northwestern lower Michigan since 1978,
no job is too tough. Free Estimates. We offer
a complete line of tree care services. Featuring aerial bucket services!
• Lot Clearing
• View Trimming
• Fully Insured
• Land Management
• Tree Removal
• Years of Experience
• Tree Trimming
• Tight Area Takedowns
• Wood Chipping
• 24-Hour Storm Service
Prompt • Courteous • Dependable "Have saw will travel" — We are available
for travel and custom tree work.
Beech wood fires are bright and clear, If the logs
are kept a year.
Chestnut's only good, they say, If for long
it's laid way.
Birch and fir logs burn too fast, Blaze up bright
and do not last.
Elm wood burns like a churchyard mould, E'en the very
flames are cold.
Poplar gives a bitter smoke, Fills your
eyes and makes you choke.
Apple wood will scent your room, With and incense
like perfume.
Oak and Maple if dry and cold, Keep away the
winter cold.
But ash wood wet and ash wood dry, A king shall
warm his slippers by.